Friday, September 2, 2011

Hearing on Proposed Infill Development at 211 Melrose on September 21st

CHNA Treasurer Amanda Farris recently circulated the following message to CHNA members:

CHNA was contacted by a developer who recently purchased the house located at 211 Melrose. The house is situated on a slightly larger lot and his intention is to subdivide the lot and build a 2nd house. The developer is called Surface Developments and is owned by Jakub Ulak whom I met with last Wednesday. Jakub is an architect by trade and has done a couple of projects downtown.

. The details as he explained them to me are as follows:

1. He will be owner occupying 211 Melrose and develop the attached side lot.

2. He will tear down the existing garage and build a new one to go with the new house

3. The new building will be approx.. 2/3 the size of what an addition would be

4. Current lot size is approx.. 75x88. He is requesting a variance for 2 lots- 40x88 and 35x88 (approx..)

5. Height of new building will be the same or lower than current bylaws.

6. Zero setback to existing

7. Only minor variance requested will be for a smaller lot width (according to him)

The hearing for this request for variance is scheduled for September 21st at 1pm. Hearings are held at 101 Centrepoint Drive (Ben Franklin Place) in Council Chambers. I would encourage those of you who are most directly impacted by this to attend in person to express your concerns. If you have concerns and are unable to attend you may send the committee of adjustments and email at attention Matthew Garnett. You may also want to send an email to ward councilor Katherine Hobbs at

The developer would like to hear your concerns as well. He told me he intends to speak personally to his neighbours on Melrose to get their support for the project prior to the hearing. We often don’t get much notice of these hearings in time to attend so I wanted to give everyone as much notice as possible.

If you would like to email the developer with your concerns his email address is

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