CHNA Executive Committee Meeting
September 22, 2011 - 7:30 p.m.
In attendance: Marshall Perrin, Amanda Farris, Katherine Steinhoff
Absent: Alayne MacGregor, Scott Bradley
1. Traffic committee strategic plan
MOVED: That CHNA approve the Traffic Committee's Strategic Plan. CARRIED
RECOMMENDED: That the priorities of the Traffic Committee be outlined at the
next Membership meeting . The executive will seek input and advice from
Chair of Traffic Committee on how best to proceed with membership
endorsement and feedback.
2. Governance document and amendments to CHNA constitution
MOVED: That CHNA approve the CHNA governance document. This document outlines a variety of issues and makes suggestions for clarifying the association’s structure, fine-tuning its decision-making processes and ensuring that the CHNA speaks clearly on issues of concern to the neighbourhood. CARRIED
DECISION: The executive will further discuss possible amendments to the association’s constitution. Amendments must be passed at a CHNA Annual General Meeting.
3. CHNA public meeting in November
The meeting’s primary goal will be to update the membership on issues of general interest, such as parks and recreation development, expansion plans at the Heart Institute and traffic and safety concerns. It was further decided that the Annual General Meeting — including the election of officers — will be held in January 2012.
The executive also developed a draft agenda for the November meeting:
7:30 Reports from the Planning and Development Committee; Civic Hospital Area Parks and Recreation Committee (CHAPaRC); Community Advisory Committee (CAC) of the Ottawa Hospital; and Traffic Committee.
8:00 Speaker from Hydro
8:30 Speaker on safety in the neighbourhood, including traffic.
8:50 Distribution of survey and announcement about upcoming elections
ACTIONS - Amanda will talk to CHNA’s police representative.
-Katherine will talk to the Traffic Committee Chair about outlining the primary priorities of the Committee’s strategic plan and how best to invite the endorsement/feedback of the membership.
4.Infill issues
a) TABLED Report on City Infill Meeting on September 14th
b) 211 Melrose – The executive discussed the CHNA survey on 211 Melrose and the process used for arriving at a decision on this matter.
5. Pumpkins in the Park on October 29th
ACTIONS: Amanda will meet with key sponsor, Susan Chell, to discuss logistics and additional sponsorship for the event. She will also meet with Kate Harrigan to discuss the newsletter content and layout. Newsletter expected to be sent by Oct 14th to residents.
Minutes from meeting on July 13, 2011 to come.
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