Tuesday, August 24, 2010

City planning department MAY accept comments on 125 Hickory after the deadline

The CHNA requested that the planning department extend the deadline for comments on the revised 125 Hickory Street proposal.

The department's response follows:

If comments are submitted after the target response deadline and we
still have time to integrate them into our report to Planning and
Environment Committee (target of Sept 28th PEC meeting) we will always
do that (i.e. a few days won't make much difference usually). If we are
unable to do that, the comments should still be submitted for the file
and individuals and the CHNA can certainly present their views at the
PEC meeting or by arranging to have them read into the record through
the Ward Councillor or the Committee Chairman or Secretary. As you may
know submitting comments in writing or verbally establishes the right to
appeal to the OMB.

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