The CHNA boundaries are Highway 417 (the Queensway) on the north, Carling Avenue on the south, Railway Street on the east and Island Park to the West.
Executive Committee
Amanda Farris, President
Scott Bradley, Vice President
Alayne McGregor, Secretary
Julie Westall, Treasurer
Marshall Perrin, Chair of Communications Committee
Peter Eady, Chair of Traffic Committee
Jen Saxe, Chair of Safety Committee
Planning and Development Committee (vacant)
Association Email Address:
Civic Hospital Area Homeowners Association*
October 1982
Article 1 – Name
The name of this Association shall be the Civic Hospital Area Homeowners Association, hereinafter referred to as the Association.
Article 2 _ Purpose
The purpose of the Association is to promote the general interests and well being of the residents of the
Civic Hospital area in the City of Ottawa, Ontario, as defined by Article 3.
Article 3 – Boundaries
The boundaries of the Civic Hospital Area shall be Carling Avenue, Island Park Drive, the Queensway, and Bayswater Avenue.
Article 4 – Membership
Membership is open to all person eighteen years of age or over, who are residents in the area, or who are owners of residential properties in the area. Members are person [sic] whose names appear on the current membership list. There shall be one membership fee per area household.
Article 5 – Dues
An annual membership fee shall be levied by the Association as establish at the Annual General Meeting.
Article – General Meetings
A. There shall be at least one general meeting of the membership each year. One of these shall be the Annual General Meeting.
B. General Meetings.
1. Will be called by the President and Secretary.
2. Must be called within thirty (30) days of a written request by 15% of the members of the Association.
C. Members must be notified of the time and place of all general meetings at least ten (10) days prior to such meetings.
D. A quorum shall consist of 15% of the membership of the Association, tow (2) of whom shall also be members of the Executive Committee.
E. The Annual General Meeting shall be held normally in the month of October and shall include:
1. The presentation of a report of the Executive Committee by the President.
2. The presentation of a financial report by the Treasurer.
3. The presentation of reports by Committee Chairman as required.
4. Establish fee for following year
5. The nomination and election of an Executive Committee for the following year.
Article 7 – Officers
The officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and immediate Past-President.
A. The President shall:
1. Direct and coordinate the activities of the Association in accordance with the directives of the membership and Executive Committee.
2. Preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee.
3. Preside at all meetings of the general membership.
4. Maintain liaison between officers, executive committee and the Association’s committees as well as an ex officio member of all standing and ad hoc committees.
B. The Vice-President shall:
1.Fulfill the responsibilities of the President, if he/she is unable to do so.
2. Conduct and maintain any responsibilities delegated by either the President or the Executive Committee.
3. Act as Chairman of the Communications Committee.
4. Act as an ex officio member of all Standing Committees of the Association.
C. The Secretary shall:
1. Attend and suitably record in permanent form the proceedings of all meetings of the Executive Committee and general membership.
2. Be responsible for all formal correspondence of the Association.
3. Maintain a proper record of the membership and such other records as may be necessary.
4. Perform such other duties pertaining to the office as may be assigned by the Executive Committee.
D. The Treasurer shall:
1. Be the custodian of all monies belonging to the Association.
2. Deposit all monies of the Association to such bank or banks as may be approved by the Executive Committee.
3. Keep correct accounts of receipts and disbursements.
E. The Immediate Past-President shall:
1. Attend all meetings of the Executive Committee.
2. 2. Assist the other members of the Executive Committee when required.
3. Chair the nomination committee for the election of officers.
Article 8 – District Directors
The area of the Association will be divided into geographic districts each represented by a director, who will normally be a resident of the district. Directors will represent their district at Executive or other Committee Meetings, and should provide communication between the Association and district residents. Geographical districts may be changed at the annual meeting.
Article 9 – Ad Hoc Committees
A. Terms of reference and chairmanship of Ad Hoc Committees shall be established at Executive or general meetings.
B. Authority of such committees is limited to making recommendations to the Executive Committee and/or general membership.
Article 10 – The Executive Committee
A. The Executive Committee shall consist of:
1. The Officers of the Association.
2. The District Directors.
3. The Chairman of all Association Committees.
4. Ad Hoc Members selected by the Executive Committee or general membership.
B. The Executive Committee will meet regularly, and at least three times a year.
C. A member of the Executive Committee who misses more than three consecutive meetings without valid reasons, shall be deemed to have vacated his/her position.
D. Vacancies on the Executive may be filled at the discretion of the President. Annual General Meetings shall have the poser [sic] to alter the composition of the Executive Committee.
E. Annual General Meetings shall have the poser [sic] to alter the composition of the Executive Committee.
F. The Executive Committee shall prepare the agenda for all general meetings and consider all requests from the general membership for inclusion in the Agenda, which will be distributed to the membership prior to the meeting.
G. The Executive Committee may appoint Ad Hoc Committees as required, subject to notification at the next general meeting.
H. A quorum shall consist of one-half of the members of the Executive Committee, two of whom are officers of the Association.
I. The Executive Committee shall have the power to act on behalf of the Association following a majority vote of the members present.
Article 11 – Election of Officers
The immediate Past-President or if unavailable some other Executive Committee member appointed by the President shall, at least sixty days prior to the Annual Meeting, form a nomination committee of at least three members, who shall submit a slate of nominees for officers and members of the Executive Committee for the ensuing year. The membership will be notified of the slate at least 10 days before the meeting. Any member of the Association may stand for election to the Executive Committee.
So that other candidates can be notified, any additional nominations should be submitted to the nominating committee at least four days prior to the meeting. However, nominations will be accepted from the floor. Election of contested positions will be by secret ballot by Association members.
Article 12 – Amendment
This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the members present and voting at the Annual General Meeting, provided there has been at least four weeks’ notice of motion in advance of that meeting. Notice of motion is not debatable when notice of motion is made.
Article 13 – Procedure
Roberts’ Rules of Order shall be deemed to apply in all matters unless they conflict with this Constitution, in which case this Constitution shall take precedence.
Article 14 – Voting
Except as provided in Article 11, voting shall be by a show of hands by members, unless at least four members request a ballot vote.
*Annual General Meeting. October 20, 1987: After discussion, members voted that the name of the Association be the Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association.
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