City staff sent the following information on January 9th:
Dear Stakeholders,
This is to inform you of the status of the Infill Study.
We are currently making revision to the ‘proposed changes’ document that was released in September. We expect that a revised document will be completed in February.
We anticipate bringing the study to Planning Committee in March or April; there will be no additional public meetings in advance of the Planning Committee meeting. Planning Committee agendas are posted online, approximately 10 days ahead of the meeting date, and can be accessed at Full reports are available through the agenda link. Committee meetings are also advertised in the Citizen and Le Droit approximately 10 days in advance of the meeting date.
If you would like to see the proposed changes in advance of the Planning Committee agenda posting, please email me in March and I will provide you with a copy.
Anyone can make a presentation at Planning Committee meetings. If you would like to speak or provide written comments, it is advised that you contact Caitlin Salter MacDonald (613) 580-2424 x. 28136, in advance of the meeting date. If you are unable to notify Caitlin in advance of the meeting, you may also register the day of, at the meeting, Note that presentations are limited to 5 minutes.
If the recommendations of the study are supported by Planning Committee, they will be put forward for City Council approval. If they are approved by Council, they can be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board.
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