Monday, February 14, 2011

CHNA comments on Central Experimental Farm Maple Drive Entrance Relocation

CHNA sent the following comments to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada as part of the consultation process for a proposed relocation of the Central Experimental Farm entrance on Carling Avenue at Maple Drive to Melrose Avenue:

On behalf of the membership of the Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Traffic Committee, I would like you to take the following comments into consideration for any future planning on this issue. Many of our members attended the meeting of Jan. 24th, myself included, and are generally opposed to the whole notion.

  • Justification for closing Maple Drive appears frivolous (an approximate one block move) and without regard for the neighborhood
  • The cost for unnecessary roadway modifications in a time of budget constraints is unwarranted
  • The full traffic study CEF conducted was only made available to the public very late in the process (a few days before the public meeting); after brief review by some we are not in agreement with some of its methodology or assumptions and we strongly object to the witholding of this informaiton in the first place
  • Signalizing an intersection will have an impact on traffic and the results of which are unknown
  • Another set of lights in a heavily signalized corridor (Irving to Holland) will cause more cut-through traffic in north-south residential streets
  • It appears from the meeting and other sources that some of the Ag-Can employees are opposed to the idea and are concerned about possible effects on their research
  • Melrose Avenue in particular is already heavily utilized by outside traffic gaining access to/from the Ottawa Civic Hospital; it seems unfair to ask them to accept extra traffic

Thanks in advance for your consideration of our opinions and please keep us listed as an interested stakeholder in the process for any future discussion of this issue.

Peter Eady

Chair, CHNA Traffic Committee (CHNA-TC)

169 Hickory Street

Ottawa, Ontario


K1Y 3T7

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