On Tuesday, January 4th, CHNA Secretary Alayne McGregor, CHNA Traffic Committee Chair Peter Eady and CHNA Vice President Katherine Steinhoff met with Kitchissippi Ward Councillor Katherine Hobbs and city staff to discuss the site plan for 125 Hickory Street.
The staff report to the City’s Planning Committee on the rezoning of 125 Hickory said: “Possible improvements to the local roadways will be considered through the related site plan application”. This is what CHNA discussed.
CHNA reiterated its request for no-entry signs during rush hours at intersections near 125 Hickory, as outlined in the association’s submission on 125 Hickory.
We also raised a variety of other issues, including the need for traffic calming measures on Sherwood.
City staff said they have secured cash contributions from the developer (or developers) :
1. For a pedestrian bridge over the O-Train
2. And $30,000 for other traffic calming measures
Staff said we could use the money to take a few, small immediate measures or put it in a pot towards a traffic study. It was not clear what area a study would cover or how long it would take for a study to start and finish. It also wasn’t clear where the rest of the money would come from. A traffic study usually costs about $100,000 to $150,000. And there is no money in the Community Development Plan for a traffic study according to City staff.
CHNA also asked staff if they are considering measures to encourage people to use public transit. And no they’re not.
Staff said that the developer is attempting to interest a grocery store in occupying the commercial space on the ground floor of the 125 Hickory Street development.At the end of the meeting, the City promised to send CHNA a variety of options to consider. And we committed to provide additional details regarding our suggestions.
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