Thursday, October 28, 2010

Latest on 125 Hickory Street

The City's Planning and Environment Committee met on September 28th to discuss the rezoning of 125 Hickory. The CHNA made a presentation at this meeting in opposition to the development, as proposed, at 125 Hickory.

The City has minutes summarizing this presentation and the proceedings at:

Committee approved the following:

- That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend that Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 125 Hickory Street from R5B H(34) Residential Fifth Density Subzone B, to a new R5B[XXXX]SXXX Residential Fifth Density Subzone B Exception zone with a Schedule, as detailed in Document 2 and shown on Document 3, (i.e. a 16 and 20 storey building) and

- That the Zoning by-law only be forwarded to Council for enactment after the developer has executed an agreement in a form acceptable to the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management and City Clerk and Solicitor providing for a contribution to the cost of the design and construction of a pedestrian and cyclist bridge over the O-Train Corridor at Hickory Street.

CARRIED, as amended with
Councillors C. Doucet and D. Holmes dissenting

Next steps

Staff at the City's Planning Department are currently considering the site plan for 125 Hickory Street. The process for site plan control approval is similar to the zoning process, but without a Planning and Environment Committee meeting, unless the ward Councillor removes the approval authority from staff and asks that approval go to Committee (as Councillor Leadman did). Normally, interested parties provide comments and staff consider them, discuss them and summarize concerns and results in a report. In the case of 125 Hickory, staff representatives have indicated they will involve the community when considering changes to the design or control of local roadways around the site. They will be meeting with CHNA to discuss the association's comments and recommendations relating to roadways, traffic and bicycle parking.

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