Thursday, July 5, 2012

Community Police Offer Support & Advice

The Wellington Community Police Centre (CPC) offers a number of programs and services that could help.  The Centre can be reached most any weekday at 613-236-1222, ext. 5870 or 5871.   

The first is Neighbourhood Watch which encourages residents to be alert to strangers in the community and to report all suspicious persons or incidents to the police.  The more reports the police receive from residents in this area the more likely it is that they will target this community for additional patrols.  Your community already subscribes to Neighbourhood Watch but continued reminders are necessary to encourage residents to make reports when necessary.

Another useful program is the Home Security Inspection Program of which residents can take advantage by simply contacting the local CPC.  This program offers the free services of trained police representatives who will visit any home from which a request is received, to examine and suggest measures that can be taken to improve the security of that home.

To schedule a free  Home Security Inspection by a trained police representative, contact our local police centre at 613-236-1222, ext. 5870 or 5871.  

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