CHNA Executive Meeting
March 30 - 7:30 9:00
169 Hickory Street
Present: Marshall Perrin, Amanda Farris, Katherine Steinhoff, Alayne MacGregor
Regrets: Scott Bradley
1. April 20th membership meeting
DECISION: Organize agenda as follows:
-Report on CHNA activities & neighbourhood business
-Invite Katherine Hobbs to speak on her vision for neighbourhood
-Invite Neil Ritchie from Ritchie Feed & Seed to make presentation getting a lawn ready for spring
-Ask members to fill out questionnaire on their neighbourhood concerns and ideas
ACTION: Amanda to determine if projector available and bring membership list
ACTION: Marshall: to arrange for printing CHNA business cards
ACTION: Katherine to provide Committee sign-up sheets and draft comment sheets for forum. Katherine to contact possible volunteer(s) for sign-up table (Jen Sacks? Julie? Kate? Marshall volunteered)
ACTION: Katherine to write background info on the motion for spending the $30,000 that the City has secured in connection with the 125 Hickory Street development for traffic ameliorations.
ACTION: Kate Harrigan to finalize layout of flyer advertising the membership meeting
ACTION: Amanda to ask Kate to add a CHNA membership advertisement to the newsletter (replacing the story on the 2010 AGM)
ACTION: Katherine, Marshall, Alayne to staple posters around the neighbourhood on poles
ACTION: Amanda to prepare poster
DECISION: Have 2011 CHNA AGM on Wednesday, October 19. Amanda later discovered that the auditorium was not available on October 19. Date to be determined.
2. West LRT workbook
DECISION: To endorse workbook as filled out by CHNA reps Matthew Wells and jean-Marc Comeau
3. Meetings with Hobbs and correspondence
ACTION: Follow-up on specific concerns raised with Hobbs at the one year point and evaluate progress.
4. Discussion of heavy vehicle issue near developments at Carling O-Train Stop
AGREED: Continue working on this as CHNA: Solution should be to use Carling Avenue, not the local streets.
AGREED: CHNA write to Hobbs, John Doran of Domicile, Kari-Lynn Mohr at the city re the situation (parking, flatbeds, honking) and develop a solution.
5.Parkdale Avenue Corridor Plan
MOVED CHNA support Parkdale Avenue Corridor Plan Projects 1, 2, 3, and 4 but not 5, 6 and 7.
6. Capital Clean-up on Saturday, April 30 9-11 a.m. Rain date: May 1
ACTION: Amanda will coordinate cleanup of Reid Park, Fairmount Park and Ev Tremblay Park, and organize rakes, refreshments,etc.
7. Parks Committee survey and website
8. Request from Kristy Wallace at Metroland for statement on federal election issues of importance to CHNA
AGREED: CHNA to raise the need for a national public transportation strategy as an election issue. Katherine to follow-up with Kristy Wallace.
8. OC Transpo cuts
ACTION: Alayne to draft a letter opposing changes to routes 6, 3, 85 and to contact neighbouring community associations to also ask for support deadline for sending the letter: April 7